Home Climate Carbon Emissions

Carbon Emissions

Carbon produced by the burning of fossil fuels is the major cause of global warming and climate change.

Investing In Disaster, Below2C

Investing In Disaster

A new briefing by Oil Change International, Investing in Disaster reveals that new oil and gas production approved to date in 2022 and at risk...

Message to Prime Minister Trudeau: Put a Hard Cap on Oil and Gas Emissions

"Although there should be no new oil and gas production developed, the world’s governments plan on producing around 110% more fossil fuels in 2030...

40% of Developed Fossil Fuel Reserves Must Stay in the Ground

New research shows that nearly 40% of developed fossil fuel reserves need to stay in the ground to keep the global 1.5ºC target alive...

Five Ways Canada Can Reach 2030 Emissions Target

"Canada's success will depend on how—and how quickly—the government puts those climate policies in place," write Dave Sawyer and Dale Beugin in their blog in...

Is Carbon Capture a Help or a Hindrance?

Will the world be able to sink the climate problem underground or under the oceans?  Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies exist but can...

Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Carbon Capture Fairy Tales

A new report released recently by Environmental Defence – Buyer Beware: Fossil Fuel Subsidies and Carbon Capture Fairy Tales in Canada – reveals that...
We Have Left It Too Late, Below2C

We Have Left It Too Late

We've waited too long to get serious about climate change. For decades, warnings from scientists and the IPPC have gone unheeded. And now, we've...
Eliminate 90% of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in 15 Years, Below2C

Eliminate 90% of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in 15 Years

"Technology disruptions already underway in the energy, transportation, and food sectors have extraordinary implications for climate change. These three disruptions alone, driven by just...
Deaths From Fossil Fuel Pollution Much Worse Than COVID, Below2C

We Are Not Building Back Better: CO2 Emissions Heading for All-Time-High in 2023

Since the beginning of the pandemic in early 2020, the phrase ‘Building Back Better’ is everywhere, providing a framework for recovery from the world’s...
Is Carbon Removal Just a Dangerous Distraction?, Below2C

Is Carbon Removal Just a Dangerous Distraction?

The compelling priority of the 2020s for humanity is the slashing of emissions. However, a flurry of recent Net-Zero 2050 announcements is "adding confusion...