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Shameful: Canada Is a World Leader for Fossil Fuel Finance, Below2C

Shameful: Canada Is a World Leader for Fossil Fuel Finance

We Canadians have the dubious honour of being a world leader in financing fossil fuels and  the worst offender of all G20 nations. Just...
Canadian Attitudes on Climate Change - Not What It Seems, Below2C

Canadian Attitudes on Climate Change – Not What It Seems

What Do Canadians Really Think About Climate Change? is a report "designed to help communicators understand public opinion on climate change in Canada." Canadian...
A Just Transition To Clean Energy, Below2C

A Just Transition To Clean Energy

The overarching theme of a post-COVID recovery is shaping up to be a transition to clean energy. A return to the pre-pandemic normal is...
Stop the Dash to Gas and Green the Grid, Below2C

Stop the Dash to Gas and Green the Grid

Natural gas is not the bridge to a clean energy future that fossil fuel companies and governments would have us believe. Natural gas is...
Only Clean Technologies Can Stop Climate Change, Below2C, Pixabay

Only Clean Technologies Can Stop Climate Change

The world must prevent a post-pandemic carbon rebound that would all but put the final nail in the climate change coffin. We have but...
An Opportunity To Build Back Better, Below2C

An Opportunity To Build Back Better

Writing for Policy (Canadian Politics and Public Policy), Green MP Elizabeth May states that "the reports of oil's death are NOT greatly exaggerated. The...
Planet of the Humans - A Tale of Misinformation And Distortion, Below2C

Planet of the Humans – A Tale of Misinformation And Distortion

I was excited to hear Michael Moore announce that he was releasing a new film—Planet of the Humans—on Earth Day. I have found a...
The Greed of the Oil Giants Is a Total Betrayal of the Future, Below2C

The Greed of the Oil Giants Is a Total Betrayal of the Future

Is the COVID-19 crisis the wake-up call we've been waiting for? It's an opportunity to reflect on the fragility of our way of life—our...
We Pick Climate Hope Over Climate Despair, Below2C

We Pick Climate Hope Over Climate Despair

There are two ways to look back at what 2019 showed us about the climate crisis. On one side, there's the climate despair that...
Roadmap to a Green Economy - 10 Guiding Principles, Below2C

Roadmap to a Green Economy – 10 Guiding Principles

The call of youth for more ambitious climate action by world leaders cannot be ignored. And politicians who ignore their protests do so at...