Industrial Age of Energy and Transportation Over by 2030, Below2C

Industrial Age of Energy and Transportation Over by 2030

"The industrial age of energy and transportation will be over by 2030," claims Tony Seba. Exponentially improving technologies such as solar, electric vehicles, and...
Game Changers To Fight Climate and Ecological Collapse, Below2C

Game Changers To Fight Climate and Ecological Collapse

Humanity is in a race against time. We have entered an age of consequences—a climate crisis. The evidence is irrefutable. The scale of transformation...
The Good Disruption: When Transportation Goes Electric and Autonomous, Below2C

The Good Disruption: When Transportation Goes Electric and Autonomous

A disruption happens when a new technology makes it possible for companies to do two things: create new products that open up new markets...
Helping Politicians Meet the Most Urgent Challenge of Our Time, Below2C

Helping Politicians Meet the Most Urgent Challenge of Our Time

As a volunteer lobbyist with Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada, I (and my colleagues) regularly meet with Members of Parliament to discuss carbon pricing, climate...
Will Canada Miss The Electric Bus?, Below2C

Will Canada Miss The Electric Bus?

A report from Clean Energy Canada, Will Canada Miss the Bus?  warns that Canada runs the risk of "missing the bus" on a massive economic...
Batteries Are Driving The Clean Energy Transition, Below2C

Batteries Are Driving The Clean Energy Transition

“Batteries are critical for our clean energy future. Luckily, their cost has dropped so low, we might be much closer to this future than...
Climate Change Thumbs Ups and Thumbs Downs of 2017, Below2C

Climate Change Thumbs Ups and Thumbs Downs of 2017

As 2017 draws to a close and flips into 2018, a short pause to reflect on my work as a climate activist and blogger...
Major CleanTech Triumphs Of 2017, Below2C

Major CleanTech Triumphs Of 2017

We are on the cusp of a new industrial revolution led by a radical acceleration of technology, the exponential growth in computing power, the...
We Have A Climate Crisis: 10 Facts To Know, Below2C

We Have A Climate Crisis: 10 Facts To Know

The most potent weapon in our fight against climate change is truth. As Climate Leaders (Climate Reality Leadership Corps), we at Below2°C continue to speak...
EVs Are Coming Much Faster Than You Think. Below2C

EVs Are Coming Much Faster Than You Think

John Hawthorne is a new contributor to Below2C. In this first publication he writes about the reasons EVs are coming much faster than expected....