We Have A Climate Crisis: 10 Facts To Know, Below2C

We Have A Climate Crisis: 10 Facts To Know

The most potent weapon in our fight against climate change is truth. As Climate Leaders (Climate Reality Leadership Corps), we at Below2°C continue to speak...
CleanTech Leading The Energy Transition, Below2C

CleanTech Leading The Energy Transition

CleanTech has arrived. The phenomenal rise of clean technology is revolutionizing the energy industry all around the globe. Both the private sector and governments...

The Zero-Emission Vehicle Revolution

Mohan Kumar is a climate advocate colleague. We have been members of the same local organizations in Ottawa such as Citizens' Climate Lobby and...
Major CleanTech Triumphs Of 2017, Below2C

Major CleanTech Triumphs Of 2017

We are on the cusp of a new industrial revolution led by a radical acceleration of technology, the exponential growth in computing power, the...
The Good Disruption: When Transportation Goes Electric and Autonomous, Below2C

The Good Disruption: When Transportation Goes Electric and Autonomous

A disruption happens when a new technology makes it possible for companies to do two things: create new products that open up new markets...
Only Clean Technologies Can Stop Climate Change, Below2C, Pixabay

Only Clean Technologies Can Stop Climate Change

The world must prevent a post-pandemic carbon rebound that would all but put the final nail in the climate change coffin. We have but...

Why Electric Car Rebates Really Work

Clare Demerse is the federal policy adviser for Clean Energy Canada. Clare manages policy engagement on federal and national issues, focusing on renewable energy,...

Let's Dispel The Myths About Wind Energy

This post is sourced from the Climate Reality E-Book, Top Wind Energy Myths. I'm a Climate Reality leader from the Chicago2013 Leadership training and pleased...
Batteries Are Driving The Clean Energy Transition, Below2C

Batteries Are Driving The Clean Energy Transition

“Batteries are critical for our clean energy future. Luckily, their cost has dropped so low, we might be much closer to this future than...
Cutting Edge Clean Energy Is Here, Below2C, Below2°C

Cutting Edge Clean Energy Is Here

The Climate Reality Project offers a variety of resources for the use of its Climate Leaders. We are pleased to feature this piece on...