Tag: Carbon Pricing
Canada’s Climate Policies: More of the Same Or Greater Urgency?
The act of choosing our politicians while the world is burning around us is a deeply profound act. Canadians have just chosen their next...
The Canadian Case for Border Carbon Adjustments
In a recent press release, highlighting the Creating Clean Prosperity -How Canada Can Reduce Its Emissions and Increase Its Competitiveness report, Michael Bernstein of Clean Prosperity...
Climate Crisis Legislation Needed NOW
The corona crisis that is sweeping the world is rich in lessons in crisis preparedness, and unfortunately, also rich with the consequences of unpreparedness....
Politicians Lag Behind The Public On #ClimateEmergency
We elect politicians to provide leadership on important issues. And specifically, we expect them to lead during emergencies. While I recognize that politics are about...
We Have A Climate Crisis: 10 Facts To Know
The most potent weapon in our fight against climate change is truth. As Climate Leaders (Climate Reality Leadership Corps), we at Below2°C continue to speak...
It's Time to Change the National Dialogue on Energy
What Canadians need is a new national dialogue, not about the future of oil but rather about the promise of clean energy. Credit: www.momscleanairforce.org - clean_dirty_energy Are politicians...
Pope Francis Continues His Climate Mission
As a member of Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada, I'm featuring the CCL September media packet designed to assist members in their conversations and messaging...
Ontario Asks: Will it be Cap and Trade, Carbon Tax, Carbon Fee?
Source of information: Price Carbon Now! ON Ontario's Climate Change discussion paper opens with a startling message: Two numbers that are vital for Ontarians to be...
The Carbon Problem and Solutions in Five Images
We know we’ve got a carbon problem and we know it’s killing the planet. So what can we do to kick the habit? Climate change...