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Tag: CO2

Climate Insanity: Fossil Fuel Subsidies Show a Sharp Rise in 2021

Another sure sign that we are losing the war on climate is the unthinkable near-doubling of fossil fuel subsidies in 2021 at the same...

Big Oil: It’s Time To Sue the Bastards

Has Big Oil violated our rights? Have we been wronged by Big Oil? And are Big Oil companies continuing their predatory practices on our...
Breaking News: The Coronavirus Will Not Save The Climate, Below2C

Breaking News: The Coronavirus Will Not Save The Climate

So much has been written and so much has been said about what the coronavirus means for climate change. And yes, the parallels between...

G20 Countries Are Still Digging – Canada Leads in Per Capita Support of Fossils

A new report, Still Digging: G20 Governments Continue To Finance The Climate Crisis shows that "since the Paris Agreement was made, G20 countries have...

Climate Change: If Canada Was Sweden

When Greta Thunberg began her friday climate strikes on August 20, 2018, she promised to continue her weekly protests until Sweden reduced carbon emissions...
The Carbon Sticker War, Below2C

The Carbon Sticker War

The carbon tax is one of the most efficient and effective tools to reduce carbon emissions. It's a way to price pollution, especially carbon...

Negative Emissions Are The Way Of The Future

Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continue to rise reaching levels not seen for 800,000 years. Greenhouse gas concentrations reached 403.3 ppm in 2016 compared to 400.00...
The Disturbing Climate Alarm Bells of 2016, boomer warrior

The Disturbing Climate Alarm Bells of 2016

The popular belief is that if we're not feeling the change then we're probably not doing enough. And for the most part, that can easily...