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Framing Climate Action as "Economic Readiness" Is Best, Below2C

Framing Climate Action as “Economic Readiness” Is Best

Most Canadians want to be ready for the post-carbon economy. And most Canadians are concerned about climate change. However more than half of the...

Will King Charles III Be the Climate King

In April of 2022, Prince Charles recorded a passionate message for the 7th Our Ocean Conference. As the Prince of Wales, his commitment to...

Canada pushes the Fossil Path Again: Full Speed Ahead on Blue Hydrogen

The colour of hydrogen matters. Canada’s hydrogen future as outlined in its December 2020 Hydrogen Strategy Report will be predominantly based on blue hydrogen —...
This Is A Very Good Deal For The Climate, Below2C

This Is A Very Good Deal For The Climate

"The bill that includes $369 billion in climate and energy provisions will transform how Americans get their energy and shape the country’s climate and...

Climate Solutions From Around the World

This summer is breaking hundreds of temperature records producing heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, water shortages and electricity outages. But it's not only doom and gloom. While...

Inspiration Is Not Enough: Are We Ready For The Talk?

It's become quite obvious that inspiration alone will not move the needle on the level of climate action the world needs to avert the...

Fossilflation – the Conversation Should Be About the F-word

"If inflation is top of the public mind, the conversation should be about the F-word — how much of our economic problems are rooted...

Electric Vehicles Are Making Gas Stations Obsolete

There are over 12,000 gas stations in Canada and about 100,000 in the U.S. That's a lot of real estate. And as gas cars...

40% of Developed Fossil Fuel Reserves Must Stay in the Ground

New research shows that nearly 40% of developed fossil fuel reserves need to stay in the ground to keep the global 1.5ºC target alive...

Ten Climate Reasons To Defeat Doug Ford

"Premier Doug Ford is making the climate crisis worse. His government’s arrogance, climate recklessness and willful negligence, threatens our future. His government, consisting of...