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Tag: Kinder Morgan

Canada’s Massive Fossil Fuel Subsidies Equal $100 Per Person

Possibly the dumbest policy in the world is "using public cash for oil and gas," says Patrick DeRochie, Program Manager for Climate & Energy...
Canada's Climate Politics: Trudeau's Not-To-Do List, Below2C

Canada’s Climate Politics: Trudeau’s Not-To-Do List

“If you care about debt, you wouldn’t leave credit-card debt to your kids. That’s exactly what climate change is," said Catherine McKenna (Minister of the...

Why I’m Adamantly Opposed to the Kinder Morgan Buyout

Lynne Quarmby is a professor in the Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at Simon Fraser University. She was arrested for civil disobedience protesting the...

Will Kinder Morgan Be the Next Pipeline to Nowhere

Remember the Northern Gateway pipeline? How about the Energy East pipeline? Neither got built. Both projects got quashed due primarily to public resistance. As...

Can Trudeau Pull Out Of The Kinder Morgan Deal

The Trudeau government will decide by July 22 whether to finalize the $4.5 billion dollar deal to buy the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline...
Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline: 9 Reasons We Shouldn’t Be Buying The Pipeline or The Spin, Below2C

Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Pipeline: 9 Reasons We Shouldn’t Be Buying The Pipeline or...

It was quite a shock when the Canadian Finance Minister announced that the Liberal Cabinet’s solution to Texas-based Kinder Morgan’s pipeline woes was that...

Canadians Now The Not-So-Proud Owners Of Very Own Pipeline

I must admit that I did not see this coming. Canadians have been hearing for several weeks -- since Kinder Morgan set its May...

The Last Nail In The Kinder Morgan Coffin

There are many reasons why the Trans Mountain Kinder Morgan pipeline project should be nixed. The proposed use of Canadian taxpayer dollars to indemnify...

Sorry Mr Trudeau, Kinder Morgan Is Just An Economic Pipe Dream

While Trudeau and the Liberal government offer up slogans to justify why the Kinder Morgan pipeline “must be built”, a chorus of thoughtful commentators...

From Trudeau to Crudeau – How It Happened

It started so well. In December of 2015, newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada emerged from the Paris Agreement talks as a...