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Tag: Paris Agreement

The Climate Crisis Is a Fossil Fuel Crisis, Below2C

The Climate Crisis Is a Fossil Fuel Crisis

"Humans are binge-burning fossil fuels. They are taking fuel out of the geologic past, burning it in the present with complex (and little understood)...
Our Banks Are Not Our Friends. They Are Climate Villains, Below2C

Our Banks Are Not Our Friends. They Are Climate Villains

In 2015 countries committed to holding global warming well below 2°C with an aspirational goal of 1.5°C. Yet, in the seven years since the...

Canada Needs A Bold Emissions Cap

The Oil and Gas industry remains one of the biggest obstacles in Canada's quest to cut emissions reports the National Observer. "Canada’s progress on...
RBC Was the #1 Financier of Fossil Fuels and Climate Chaos in 2022, Below2C

RBC Was the #1 Financier of Fossil Fuels and Climate Chaos in 2022

Even after clear messages from the IEA and IPCC that we can't afford any new fossil fuels, banks continue to finance fossil fuel expansion...
What is BOGA?, Below2C

What is BOGA?

Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) is an international alliance of governments and stakeholders working together to facilitate the managed phase-out of oil and...

Seventy Percent Of Canadians Want an Emissions Cap on Oil and Gas

A new poll finds that 70% of Canadians want an oil and gas emissions cap that will ensure industry takes on its fair share...
Framing Climate Action as "Economic Readiness" Is Best, Below2C

Framing Climate Action as “Economic Readiness” Is Best

Most Canadians want to be ready for the post-carbon economy. And most Canadians are concerned about climate change. However more than half of the...

Capping Oil and Gas Emissions: Production Cuts Are Essential

"It’s no secret that Canada has a long way to go if we’re actually going to meet the climate commitments we made in the...

What Is the G7 Climate Club?

At their recent summit, G-7 leaders announced plans to form a new Climate Club by the end of the year. “We endorse the goals...

Hypocrisy and Obstruction At Climate Talks Ahead of COP27

While COP26 in Glasgow achieved small steps, most of the heavy lifting lies ahead for COP27 and well beyond. The hypocrisy and obstruction of...