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Tag: United Nations

What is BOGA?, Below2C

What is BOGA?

Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance (BOGA) is an international alliance of governments and stakeholders working together to facilitate the managed phase-out of oil and...

Hypocrisy and Obstruction At Climate Talks Ahead of COP27

While COP26 in Glasgow achieved small steps, most of the heavy lifting lies ahead for COP27 and well beyond. The hypocrisy and obstruction of...

“Atlas of Human Suffering” Says UN Secretary General

United Nations secretary general António Guterres calls the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report “an atlas of human suffering”. "The report is a...

Cities for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

In October of 2020, Vancouver became the first city in the world to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT). Then in 2021, Barcelona,...

History Will Show Glasgow As the Place Where the 1.5°C Goal Went To Die

History may very well remember Glasgow (COP26) as the place where the 1.5°C goal went to die.  COP26 has failed us and the UK's...
Missing Words Matter: Fossil Fuels Mentioned in COP Declaration - Updated, Below2C

Missing Words Matter: Fossil Fuels Mentioned in COP Declaration – Updated

Words matter! Words are important because they reveal intent and are often predictors of actions to follow. But what is even more important are...
Fossil Production Dangerously Out of Sync With Paris 1.5°C Limit, Below2C

Fossil Production Dangerously Out of Sync With Paris 1.5°C Limit

The UNEP 2021 Production Gap Report finds that governments' fossil fuel production plans are dangerously out of sync with Paris limits. The Report "tracks...

Dear Mark Carney: We’re Running Out Of Time

Over 90 groups are urging Mark Carney—in a letter published worldwide—to do all he can to "raise the bar on climate action from the...
Is COP26 the Answer We've Been Waiting For Or a Dangerous Fantasy?, Below2C

Is COP26 the Answer We’ve Been Waiting For Or a Dangerous Fantasy?

COP26 has been described as "the" critical climate summit to have a chance at limiting the warming of the planet to well below 2ºC,...
IPCC: The Most Sobering Report Card Yet On Climate Change, Below2C

IPCC: The Most Sobering Report Card Yet On Climate Change

António Guterres, secretary-general of the U.N., said in a statement (following the latest IPCC report on climate change) that the IPCC's latest findings are "a...