From Climate Reality: As a Climate Reality leader, I have the privilege of sharing materials from the Climate Reality Project on BoomerWarrior.Org ~ Editor: Rolly Montpellier.
Twenty Four Reasons to be Hopeful
There will be a moment when the conversation on climate change shifts from debate and despair to determination and solutions. That moment is here.
The reality we now face implores us to act.
Al Gore, Founder & Chairman, The Climate Reality Project
Today, we know climate disruption is the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. And we know carbon pollution is to blame.
But at Climate Reality, we also know that solutions are right in front of us. We can create a healthy, sustainable, and prosperous future by making a global shift from dirty fossil fuels to clean, renewable energies like solar and wind.
Our leaders aren’t going to do it on their own. So we’re bringing millions together to make them, demanding change with a collective voice so loud and forceful they have no choice but to help shape the clean-energy future we need.
Changing culture, one conversation at a time
When something is important to us, we talk about it with the people in our lives. With these conversations, awareness spreads, understanding grows, and eventually culture shifts.
Many people still don’t understand that climate change is affecting our daily lives, from the price we pay for groceries to the air we breathe. But the good news is the solutions are real and in our grasp. It’s up to people like you to share this important news and create a culture where we’re all working together to drive a global shift to renewable energy. But we don’t have time to waste. Let’s get to work.
The Big Solution
We know we can solve climate disruption by turning from dirty fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.
So what’s stopping us? Big Polluters — like politically connected oil and coal companies — dumping carbon pollution into the atmosphere, accelerating climate change and making billions while the rest of us pay to clean up their mess.
What can we do? Put a market price on carbon and make polluters pay the true cost of their business, just like every other industry. When polluters pay for the damage they do, they’re encouraged to pollute less. Meanwhile, clean technologies like wind and solar become even more affordable. Emissions go down and the economy moves forward, powering a sustainable and prosperous future for us all. Win-win.
What can change in a day
24 Hours of Reality is a live global event covering the climate crisis in every region of the world. On this day of action, we stand up together and demand real solutions to the greatest challenge of our time.
Over the course of this multi-media event, world leaders, scientists, cultural icons, and everyday heroes discuss the shared challenges facing our planet and point the way toward a better tomorrow. It’s a day when climate change becomes a personal priority for people everywhere and when audiences become activists.
When the world comes together and embraces the reality, there is no challenge we cannot overcome.
What you can do
We’re working towards a better tomorrow and it’s going to take all of us. We invite every one to become a part of the solution culture using your influential force to change the world.
We know it’s going to take all of us acting together to get us there. Acting with purpose. Acting in big ways and small, online and in the streets. Regardless of who you are, where you live, or how much time and energy you have, you can find an action here that will help us get one step closer to reducing carbon pollution.
Whether it’s watching a video that helps build your awareness, sharing a post with your friends and family, signing a petition against Big Polluters, or organizing a climate presentation in your community, your actions will take this movement forward. We can create a better future, but only if we do it together. Ken Berlin, President and CEO of The Climate Reality Project, outlined other ways people can participate in this press release:
24 Reasons for Hope will ask each of us to dedicate a day to make a difference. Climate change is big and complex, but that means there are hundreds of ways to contribute. Whether it’s a parent organizing a renewable energy fair at school, or a young professional pledging to become a Climate Reality Leader, or a student working to elect a clean energy candidate, we all have different ways and different days to contribute.
About 24 Hours of Reality
To find out more,visit 24 Hours of Reality.
2013 – The Cost of Carbon
2012 – The Dirty Weather Report
2011 – It was Time to Do Something
Join us for 24 Reasons to be Hopeful about Solving Climate Change
Rolly Montpellier is the Founder and Managing Editor of BoomerWarrior.Org. He’s a Climate Reality leader, a blogger and an Climate Activist. Rolly has been published in several online publications – Climate Change Guide, World Daily, Examiner, The Canadian, 350Ottawa, ClimateMama, MyEarth360, GreenDivas, The Elephant, Countercurrents, Georgian Bay News.
Some of Rolly’s articles have also appeared in newspapers such as The Hill Times and the Kingston Whig.
You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.
The world’s populations need to focus beyond their immediate lives and project themselves a bit to imagine what will happen if we don’t involve ourselves, even in the smallest of participations (email, twitter, conversations, etc.).
Thanks for pointing us in the right direction Rolly.
I’m only one of millions of people who through their multiple actions are trying to make a difference. I try to not over-extend myself too much because I’m in this for the long haul and I don’t to burn all my energy in the short term.
There is so much to be done.
Thanks for the kind words and the support.
By the way, this is water week.
Renewables will not work because they are too intermittent. Only nuclear will work to actually replace fossil fuels.
I think that we will need a combination of many alternative sources of energy to replace fossil fuels. But it can be done. Nuclear will play a significant role at first but increasingly clean energy technology will make renewables reliable and dependable. Solar energy growth has been remarkable thus far in 2014 and yet it’s only the beginning.
I believe that renewables will work.