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Living Well On Less Energy

A study published in the Global Environmental Change journal shows that enjoying a decent living with minimum energy—living well with less energy—is possible. Stephen...
100% Solar, Wind, and Batteries is Just the Beginning, Below2C

Clean Energy: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

A recent survey by Clean Energy Canada and Abacus Data reveals that the clean energy transition is well underway in Canada. It’s an idea...
The Carbon Inequality Brontosaurus Chart, Below2C

The Carbon Inequality Brontosaurus Chart

In September 2020, the Stockholm Environment Institute released an insightful report (1). In the 25 years from 1990 to 2015, annual global carbon emissions...
A Just Transition To Clean Energy, Below2C

A Just Transition To Clean Energy

The overarching theme of a post-COVID recovery is shaping up to be a transition to clean energy. A return to the pre-pandemic normal is...
Stop the Dash to Gas and Green the Grid, Below2C

Stop the Dash to Gas and Green the Grid

Natural gas is not the bridge to a clean energy future that fossil fuel companies and governments would have us believe. Natural gas is...
Five Developments To Really Feel Good About, Below2C

Five Developments To Really Feel Good About

This post features a wide-ranging collection of five positive developments—things to feel good about—at a time when our world is undergoing the most tumultuous...
Only Clean Technologies Can Stop Climate Change, Below2C, Pixabay

Only Clean Technologies Can Stop Climate Change

The world must prevent a post-pandemic carbon rebound that would all but put the final nail in the climate change coffin. We have but...
Pointing Out The Glaringly Obvious: Oil is Dead, Below2C

Pointing Out The Glaringly Obvious: Oil is Dead

Finally we have one politician in Canada with the courage to point out the glaringly obvious truth about the Oil Sands: Canada's oil sector...
An Opportunity To Build Back Better, Below2C

An Opportunity To Build Back Better

Writing for Policy (Canadian Politics and Public Policy), Green MP Elizabeth May states that "the reports of oil's death are NOT greatly exaggerated. The...
Planet of the Humans - A Tale of Misinformation And Distortion, Below2C

Planet of the Humans – A Tale of Misinformation And Distortion

I was excited to hear Michael Moore announce that he was releasing a new film—Planet of the Humans—on Earth Day. I have found a...