Clean Energy Transition – Decisive, Irrefutable And Unstoppable
"The march toward a renewable energy future continues, unabated," reports Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The positive trend line on renewables is decisive, irrefutable and unstoppable...
Major CleanTech Triumphs Of 2017
We are on the cusp of a new industrial revolution led by a radical acceleration of technology, the exponential growth in computing power, the...
We Can Do It. Let’s Switch To Renewables
Where does one begin to reduce carbon emissions? How do I reduce my carbon footprint? Am I doing enough? Am I doing my part...
A Win-Win Climate Solution Awaits
The year 2019 ended the hottest decade on record by being the year of climate emergency declarations. Globally, "one in ten people now live...
I’m a Climate Activist Because of An Inconvenient Truth
The release of An Inconvenient Truth is 2006 would change my life. As I watched in horror how climate change would impact future generations,...
To Decarbonize, We Need To Electrify Everything
In order to avoid dangerous climate change, the world needs to get very close to zero carbon emissions in a hurry. To do this,...
Cutting Edge Clean Energy Is Here
The Climate Reality Project offers a variety of resources for the use of its Climate Leaders. We are pleased to feature this piece on...
Batteries Are Driving The Clean Energy Transition
“Batteries are critical for our clean energy future. Luckily, their cost has dropped so low, we might be much closer to this future than...
The News On Renewables Gets Better And Better
The news on renewables just keeps getting better and better. But just ten years ago, the renewables landscape was remarkably different. Today the innovation cycle...
The Renewable Energy Potential is Limitless
Every day new headlines highlight the limitless potential of renewable energy. The possibilities seem endless. The world's energy use is only 16TWy (Terrawatts per...
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