
Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic

We Don’t Have Time – The After Movie

As the coronavirus continues to spread around the globe, we must not ignore the climate crisis. The evidence is all around us. Global warming threatens...

Will COVID-19 Build Bridges Or Generate Divisions In Canada?

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Canadians (and the rest of the world) to hit the pause button. How do we recover back better? Can...

Deny, Exaggerate, Pretend – Different Crisis, Same Playbook

“Delay is the deadliest form of denial," once said C. Northcote Parkinson. And "Most men would rather deny a hard truth than face it,”...

The System Is Broken: Post Pandemic Adjustments Not Enough

"This is the time for a Great Reset," writes George Monbiot in a recent Op-ed in The Guardian. He refers to "a collective failure:...

NORMAL is Cancelled Due To COVID Pandemic

"Capitalism’s shield has been breached — we can now see its soul," writes Brad Zarett in a recent article first published in Medium. Brad...
Corona and Climate: One’s Happening In Real Time, One in Deep Time, Below2C

Corona and Climate: One’s Happening In Real Time, One in Deep Time

The way we are tackling the corona crisis is a rehearsal for how we might deal with the climate crisis which is just on...

Earth Is Telling Us That We’re In Serious Overshoot

Today we are faced with a challenge that calls for a shift in our thinking, so that humanity stops threatening its life-support system. —...
Coronavirus Lockdowns Prove Air Pollution is Manmade, Below2C

Coronavirus Lockdowns Prove Air Pollution is Manmade

Truth and life lessons often come to us the hard way. An old Chinese proverb says that one way to learn to do something...

Bailouts Must Support Workers And Incentivize Environmental Innovation

It seems almost inevitable that the Canadian government will bail out (once again) the oil and gas sector. But should governments around the world...
Speaking The Truth About Coronavirus And Climate Change With Kids, Below2C

Speaking The Truth About Coronavirus And Climate Change With Kids

There are a lot of links that can be made between coronavirus and climate change. In this article, Harriet Shugarman writes that the two...