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Net-Zero 2050

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Five Ways for Canada To Transition the Oil and Gas Sector, Below2C

Five Ways for Canada To Transition the Oil and Gas Sector

"The transition to a secure and sustainable energy future for all requires unprecedented shifts in the global energy sector," says Faith Birol, executive director...

Climate Insanity: Fossil Fuel Subsidies Show a Sharp Rise in 2021

Another sure sign that we are losing the war on climate is the unthinkable near-doubling of fossil fuel subsidies in 2021 at the same...

Capping Oil and Gas Emissions: Production Cuts Are Essential

"It’s no secret that Canada has a long way to go if we’re actually going to meet the climate commitments we made in the...
Reversing the Trend on Ads For Gas-Powered Cars, SUVs, Light Trucks, Below2C

Reversing the Trend on Ads For Gas-Powered Cars, SUVs, Light Trucks

"As the climate crisis looms as one of the greatest challenges facing humanity, we are being bombarded with ads encouraging us to buy gas-powered...
Fossil Production Dangerously Out of Sync With Paris 1.5°C Limit, Below2C

Fossil Production Dangerously Out of Sync With Paris 1.5°C Limit

The UNEP 2021 Production Gap Report finds that governments' fossil fuel production plans are dangerously out of sync with Paris limits. The Report "tracks...
Car Wars: The Battle Between SUVs and EVs, Below2C

Car Wars: The Battle Between SUVs and EVs

"Recent carmaker pledges of a green, emissions-free future filled with electric vehicles (EVs) have created a smokescreen, hiding a near-term push by the same...
Two Fatal Flaws with Net-Zero By 2050: "Net-Zero" and "By 2050", Below2C

Two Fatal Flaws with Net-Zero By 2050: Net-Zero and By 2050

The "Net-Zero by 2050" fantasy is now the "de facto climate goal" writes Peter Kalmus in his latest Guardian opinion piece. "This is deadly...
Is Carbon Removal Just a Dangerous Distraction?, Below2C

Is Carbon Removal Just a Dangerous Distraction?

The compelling priority of the 2020s for humanity is the slashing of emissions. However, a flurry of recent Net-Zero 2050 announcements is "adding confusion...
8 Key Components On The Pathway To Net-zero 2050, Below2C

8 Key Components On The Pathway To Net-zero 2050

The IEA (International Energy Agency), the world's most influential energy modelling agency, has produced its first ever future energy scenario "actually aligned with the...