Tag: Floods
September 23: the Mother-of-All Climate Strikes
The September 23 global climate strike will arguably be the mother-of-all climate strikes. Not because of the number of people who will take to...
Big Oil: It’s Time To Sue the Bastards
Has Big Oil violated our rights? Have we been wronged by Big Oil? And are Big Oil companies continuing their predatory practices on our...
Beyond Safe Limits: We Will Not Escape the Ravages of Climate Change
Many of the coming ravages of climate change are already baked in to the global heating our planet has already absorbed since the beginning...
2021: Year of Unprecedented Climate Impacts
This year, extreme weather and other disasters made it clearer than ever that the climate crisis will only worsen unless we act. 2021 will...
Our Health And Climate Change
"I'm an emergency doctor and I'm working on this because this is an emergency," says Dr. Courtney Howard, who wrote the Canadian section of...
Staring Into the Face of Climate Change – Summer of 2018
The summer of 2018 will be remembered as the first time global warming became front-page news around the world. “The impacts of climate change...
Climate Change = Extreme Weather. What You Need To Know
We at Below2°C are pleased to feature our condensed version of Extreme Weather and Climate Change: What You Need to Know, from the Climate...
The Green Interview Meets James Hansen
In 1988, a soft-spoken scientist from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration testified before the US Congress. What he said shocked the world. The...
Peak Water. Are We Running Out?
There is a lot of water on planet Earth - 326,000,000,000,000,000,000 gallons (329 trillion gallons), or 1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres. About 70 percent of the planet...