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Tag: Fossil Fuels

What Canadians Really Think About Climate Change in 2022

The 2022 What Canadians Really Think About Climate Change report highlights trends in Canadian attitudes about climate change that are important to climate communicators....

Living Well On Less Energy

A study published in the Global Environmental Change journal shows that enjoying a decent living with minimum energy—living well with less energy—is possible. Stephen...

Liberal-NDP Deal Doesn’t Move The Dial On Climate

In his recent blog post, Climate Emergency Unit Director Seth Klein writes that the Liberal-NDP deal struck just days ago—the Supply and Confidence Agreement...

Doubling Down on Gas Is Misguided and Dangerous For Climate

"Now can we talk about the war and how it relates to climate work," asks a March 25 email to 350.Org group leaders. The...

Small Nuclear Reactors: A Dirty Dangerous Distraction From Climate Action

Rather than taking the draconian steps needed to cut fossil fuel emissions, Canada will spend billions on false and unproven solutions that fail to...

Plastic Is a Global Health Crisis Hiding in Plain Sight

“Despite being one of the most pervasive materials on the planet, plastic and its impact on human health is poorly understood,” says the recent...

Spending $1.8 Trillion A Year To Finance Our Own Extinction

"The world is spending over $1.8 trillion a year, equivalent to 2% of global GDP, on subsidies that are driving the destruction of ecosystems...

Why Are Canadian Banks and Insurance Companies Still Financing Russian Oil

"Canadian banks, insurance companies and asset managers have pumped millions into Russian-owned oil and gas companies that have flowed into the petrostate’s war chest,"...
We Need To Do More and Faster Says New Climate Minister Guilbeault, Below2C

We Need To Do More and Faster Says New Climate Minister Guilbeault

In a recent in-depth interview with The Narwhal's Caitlin Stall-Paquet, Canada's new Environment and Climate Change Minister Guilbeault is dead serious about his climate...

Surprising Climate Predictions For 2022

"Canadian politicians won't be able to ignore climate change in 2022." according to Maclean's. As Canadians are learning to live with the COVID threat,...