Tag: United Nations
Will Earth Day 2021 Galvanize Climate Action?
This year's Earth Day (on April 22) will again see more than 1 billion people participating in activities around the world to draw attention...
I Want You To Listen To The Scientists – Greta Thunberg
Commenting about her time in New York in September of 2019, Greta Thunberg was not shaken by the media attention she generated. "I see...
Greta’s Message: You Are Failing Us…You Have Stolen My Dreams and my Childhood
Greta Thunberg's messages at the United Nations emergency meeting on climate change in New York are riveting. Her words, delivered with a blend of...
A World Where Leaders Are Childish and Children Are Leaders
In this post, Silver Don Cameron of The Green Interview highlights the emergence of a worldwide youth climate movement. The rise of youth is...
Meat Taxes Are Highly Probable In The Near Future
Emissions from livestock account for 14.5% of human-caused GHGs (greenhouse gases) according to a UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) study – total of...
Negative Emissions Are The Way Of The Future
Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continue to rise reaching levels not seen for 800,000 years. Greenhouse gas concentrations reached 403.3 ppm in 2016 compared to 400.00...
COP23: Countries’ Plans Fall Short, More Ambition Is Needed
As COP23 winds down, delegates have repeatedly heard arguments that more ambition is required to put the 2015 Paris Agreement into action. UN secretary...
Key Indicators of Climate Change Continue Unabated
As COP23 (Conference of the Parties) begins its two weeks of meetings in Bonn, key indicators of climate change continue unabated. Two years after...
Be Inconvenient. Our World Depends On It
It's important to keep sounding the alarm about the climate crisis which is transforming our world. The climate crisis affects all of us. And...
COP22 – Canada Must Align Action With Climate Rhetoric
As the COP22 climate talks in Marrakech comes to an end, Canada's climate rhetoric is a continuation of last year's declaration at COP21 in Paris. "Canada...