The path to Canada’s first national climate framework and clean energy program will not be straightforward or easy. It promises to be convoluted and full of twists and turns as the provinces and Ottawa attempt to define the steps required to transition to a clean energy economy and fulfill Canada’s Paris commitments for lower emissions. A federal official describes the process of “embarking on an extremely complex task of taking a “patchwork system” and turning it into a national one as….worse than negotiating a pre-nup.”
In the following article, Derek Leahy writes about the process which is about to begin. (Rolly Montpellier~Managing Editor for BoomerWarrior)
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National Climate and Clean Energy Plan
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has confirmed that the federal government will meet with Indigenous leaders and premiers in Vancouver on March 2-3 in the hopes of laying out the framework for a national climate strategy.
“I look forward to working with the premiers on combatting climate change and moving toward a greener, more sustainable Canadian economy better positioned to compete globally in the areas of clean knowledge and technologies,” Trudeau said in a media release.
The Prime Minister announced he will first meet with Indigenous leaders on March 2 to inform a national climate framework discussion with the premiers in a First Ministers’ Meeting scheduled to take place March 3. First Ministers’ Meetings did not occur under former prime minister Stephen Harper.
According to Clare Demerse, Ottawa-based energy policy adviser with Clean Energy Canada, the meeting provides an unprecedented opportunity to discuss Canada’s renewable energy transition.
“The right people will be in the room to move forward on a national approach [to climate change],” Demerse told DeSmog Canada. “Whether it’s electrical production, or natural resources extraction, provinces make big decisions on energy in Canada.”
Time to Capitalize on Low-Carbon Economy
According to the Prime Minister’s press release, the Vancouver meetings “will focus on effective ways to adapt to climate change, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and capitalize on the opportunities presented by a low-carbon economy to create good-paying and long-term jobs.”
“We’d really like to see the conversation in Vancouver be about what we’re going to build, not just about what we’re going to cut,” Demerse said. “How many electric cars will we see on the road? How are we going to make buildings more energy efficient? How much solar, wind and water power needs to be produced in 2020 or 2030?”
“This is not to say reduction targets shouldn’t be discussed. But the discussion needs to be more focused on the ‘how’ instead of just the number.”
Canada was one of the only countries among the world’s top ten greenhouse gas gas emitters not to provide a national clean energy plan to the United Nations in the lead up to the Paris climate talks last December. Other heavy emitters like the United States, European Union, China and even Mexico submitted plans with clean energy targets along with their GHG reduction targets.
The $125 billion the Liberal Party promised during the federal election to invest in infrastructure could go a long way encouraging provinces and territories to adopt strong climate policies.
“The low-carbon infrastructure dollars could be used to reward a province or territory for raising its carbon price, or for adopting stronger climate policies,” Demerse said.
Green infrastructure and public transit were two priorities in the Liberals infrastructure spending pledge. The Liberals also committed to increasing Canada’s Low Carbon Economic Trust to $2 billion.
Time to Set a National Minimum Carbon Price
Carbon pricing could also play an important role during the first ministers meeting.
“The First Ministers will consider all policy measures at their disposal to make sure Canada can take advantage of the significant appetite for expertise in the clean growth economy,” the PMO announcement states.
Currently, British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec all have some sort of carbon pricing system: either cap and trade or carbon tax. Last December, Manitoba announced it would join Ontario and Quebec’s cap and trade market, which is linked with California’s.
Unlike his predecessor, Trudeau is a supporter of making polluters pay for their greenhouse gas emissions. He is also an advocate of the provinces and territories choosing the system that suits them best.
The problem now lies with the different prices on emissions in different provinces. B.C.’s carbon tax is $30 per tonne of carbon, but Quebec’s carbon price, which is meant to fluctuate, is about half that.
“Eventually Canada will want one coherent national carbon pricing market. The bigger the market, the more diverse the opportunities to reduce emissions,” Demerse said.
“But we aren’t quite there yet, and certain provinces have done a lot of leg work to create their own carbon pricing systems. So, to create consistency between the different system and jurisdictions, the federal government should set a national minimum price on carbon.”
This article was previously posted in DesmogCanada by Derek Leahy.
There is No Atmospheric Budget of Carbon, Methane, or Nuclear !
by Lowana Veal, Al Jazeera, November 23, 2015
Reykjavik, Iceland – Over the past year, a number of giant, mysterious holes have emerged in Siberia, some as deep as 200 metres.
Scientists say the craters may be emerging because the frozen ground, or “permafrost,” that covers much of Siberia has been thawing due to climate change.
Allowing methane gases trapped underground to build up and explode !
Permafrost is ground that is permanently frozen, where the ground temperature has remained below 0 °C (32 °F) for at least two years. It covers about a quarter of the northern hemisphere’s land surface.
“Permafrost soils contain vast amounts of carbon, nearly twice as much as is currently in the atmosphere.
As the permafrost thaws in a warming climate, the soil decomposes and releases carbon to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and methane. These are greenhouse gases, and they warm the Earth even more.
This leads to more permafrost thawing, more carbon release, and so the cycle continues,” Chadburn said.
At the recent Arctic Circle Assembly in Reykjavik, Iceland, Max Holmes from the US-based Woods Hole Research Center (WHRC) said in a presentation that the Siberian sinkholes “are an additional indication that vast changes are under way in the Arctic.”
We must Stop the Koch bros,Warren Buffets, and their Fossil Fuel allies from FUKUSHIMIATIZING Us !
Greenland is Melting and Calving Now, Jonas just went over Greenland at above Freezing Temps, for the first Time.
“And for the Winter of 2016 it’s possible that the Arctic may never experience typical conditions.
For, according to NOAA, the first half of February saw this record, Spring-like, warmth extend on through today.
It’s as if these coldest zones in the Northern Hemisphere haven’t yet experienced Winter
— as if the freak storm that drove Arctic temperatures to record levels during late December has, ever since, jammed the thermometer into typical April levels and left it stuck there. ” Robert Scribbler
Greenland has 20 Feet of Sea Level Rise !
Now is the Time for Feed in Tariff Clean Kilowatts, Home Owners and Commercial Business owners selling Renewable Energy, Wind and Solar to the Utility !
Dump Net Metering (Second Utility) Third Party Leasing.
Protect Our Communities with Solar Policies that keep the Money in the Wallets and Purses of Head of House Holds.
In Order to Ready Themselves for coming, Record Breaking Rain, Wind and Snow.
Food Shortages, High Temps, Floods, Fire, Quakes, and Sea Level Rising 220 feet !
With Ca. Residential and Commercial Feed in Tariff
Help Protect Hard Working, Tax Paying, Voting, Citizens from our Koch Bros.,Fossil Fueled Energy and Water Policies !
Each 1C. Temp Rise, Atmospheric Moisture increases 7%
We have increased Temp 1.4C. and Climbing
1850 ppm Carbon 270
1980 ppm carbon 350
2015 ppm of Carbon 404 and Rising
What will the ppm of Carbon be when Greenland All Melts ?
Diablo Nuclear, San Onofre Fuel Rods, and All Nuclear needs to be relocated to 3000 feet above Sea Level
Over 3 Million Years of Waxing and Waning From the Poles, with the Arctic Keeping North America Cool, Now it is Greenland Because of Fossil Fuels !
Massive Sea Life Die Off on Pacific and Atlantic Coast !
Pacific and Atlantic Oceans 4 – 18 degrees warmer than Normal
Antarctica has 200 feet of Sea Level Rise
Arctic Region Warming Twice as fast as the rest of the planet !
Over 400 Nuclear Reactors at Sea Level Now !
Sign and Share for a Ca. Residential Feed in Tariff. Go to the youtube site, look six inches below video, click on Show More, then click on blue link to sign the petition.
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We Need To Ban Fracking.
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Very informative content by Daniel Ferra. It kind of makes me think about the Rumsfeld conundrum of “we don’t know yet what we don’t know” – I’m paraphrasing. We know that the thawing of the Arctic will be disastrous and will throw all modelling on climate change out of wack. We don’t know yet what the feedback loops are going to be. There are multiplier effects we know nothing about yet.
Hang on to your seat.