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Tag: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canada’s Climate Policies: More of the Same Or Greater Urgency?

The act of choosing our politicians while the world is burning around us is a deeply profound act. Canadians have just chosen their next...
Election 2021 Is All About Climate, Below2C

Election 2021 Is All About Climate

Canadians need to elect bold climate leaders in this election. It's time to sound the climate emergency alarm in every riding across Canada. Not...
Canada's Lame Response to the IPCC Report, Below2C

Canada’s Lame Response to the IPCC Report

The latest IPCC climate change report is “code red for humanity” says UN Secretary General. The sobering report “shines a harsh spotlight on governments...
Climate Crisis at Our Doorstep: Call for Bold and Ambitious Action, Below2C

Climate Crisis at Our Doorstep: Call for Bold and Ambitious Action

Wildfires are raging across the country, cities are choked by smoke and entire communities are being displaced. The climate crisis is at our...

Canada: A Model of Climate Denial in Action

Justin Trudeau is not a climate leader. Beyond the thin veneer of progressive climate action lies a fossil-fuel dependency that is 'a clear and...
Canada: Climate Change and the Muddled "Moveable Middle" , Below2C

Canada: Climate Change and the Muddled “Moveable Middle”

Over seventy five percent (75%) of Canadians are truly worried about climate change and want a climate action agenda that is more bold and...
Bill C-12: Image Over Substance - the Liberal Way, Below2C

Bill C-12: Image Over Substance – the Liberal Way

It is clear that the Liberal climate plan reflects what the oil and gas industry wants — fossil-fuel expansion at a time when the...

Canada Is On Fire: Tell Justin Trudeau To Act Like It

Unprecedented heatwaves and devastating wildfires are sweeping the country. Canada is on fire because of the climate crisis. We cannot allow this to become...

Canada Spent More Than $23 Billion on Pipelines Since 2018

A recent report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. shows that Canada has spent $23 billion on pipelines during the past three years....

Message to Justin Trudeau: Canada’s on Fire – Act Like It

"Justin Trudeau's love of fossil fuel will only make Canada's extreme weather worse." wrote Tzeporah Berman in her recent opinion piece in The Guardian....