Carbon Emissions

Carbon produced by the burning of fossil fuels is the major cause of global warming and climate change.

How To Zero Out Carbon In Canada By 2050

There are many pathways to clean power. We have the solutions to accelerate the transition to a clean energy future. What is missing is...

The Carbon Tax Is Not a Tax Grab, Not a Job Killer

Most Canadians are worried about the climate. According to a recent survey, nearly 66% see climate as the top priority in this fall's election....
Canada On Pace To Meet Paris Emissions Target In....200 Years, Below2C

Canada On Pace to Meet Paris Emissions Target … In 200 Years

Every year Canada submits its latest greenhouse gas inventory to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The 2019 report is not...

The Time has Come for Carbon Labeling

If you ask the average person, they will likely tell you that they want to do the right thing when it comes to the...

Canada on Earth Day – Climate Crisis, Carbon Pricing, Clean Energy

Perhaps every day needs to be Earth Day as we begin to adapt to the era of climate crisis. The earth is heating up....

Massive Gap Between Canada’s Emissions Projections And Paris Targets

Canada and the other signatories to the Paris Accord have committed to keeping the warming of the planet below 2 degrees Celsius. But now,...

Ontario Politics – What Voters Need To Know

Public opinion on climate change has shifted. Politicians who continue to ignore this issue do so at their own peril. In this post-Paris Agreement...

Rising Methane Levels A Bigger Threat Than CO2

Carbon dioxide is commonly pictured as the bad boy of greenhouse gases. And even if methane is roughly 30 times more potent as a...