Climate Change: Adaptation Is No Longer a Dirty Word
In the early years of climate policy discussions—in the 1980s—adaptation to climate change was problematic for those advocating for the reduction of carbon emissions....
Look Up! There’s a Killer Comet Heading for Earth: Climate Change
Don't Look Up takes a satirical look at how politicians, the media and society in general deal with planetary threats. In the movie, Leonardo DiCaprio...
10 Ways To Keep Climate Hope Alive
"The emotional toll of the climate crisis has become an urgent crisis of its own," writes Rebecca Solnit in The Guardian's The long read...
Climate justice: Which Countries Are The Worst Climate Offenders?
Climate justice has evolved from the idea that the responsibility for climate change should lie with the world's worst climate offenders—the wealthy and the...
IPCC: The Most Sobering Report Card Yet On Climate Change
António Guterres, secretary-general of the U.N., said in a statement (following the latest IPCC report on climate change) that the IPCC's latest findings are "a...
Canada: Climate Change and the Muddled “Moveable Middle”
Over seventy five percent (75%) of Canadians are truly worried about climate change and want a climate action agenda that is more bold and...
Only Pretending To Be Climate Leaders
"Let's be clear—what you are doing is not about climate action or responding to an emergency. It never was," said Greta Thunberg during her...
Canadian Attitudes on Climate Change – Not What It Seems
What Do Canadians Really Think About Climate Change? is a report "designed to help communicators understand public opinion on climate change in Canada." Canadian...
Mark Carney: We Can’t Self-Isolate From Climate Change
"Mark Carney is no ordinary banker. He is the banker’s banker, the superstar banker, the George Clooney of banking, possibly even the James Bond...
Viewing Climate Change As A Syndemic
"It’s not possible to frame either climate change or COVID-19 as crises that somehow stand alone or are separate from existing, overlapping layers of...
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