Carbon Hunters Episode 3: Summit Nanotech wants to make lithium mining sustainable

Is the insurance industry walking away from fossil fuels?

The Climate Blockers: BASF quietly lobbies against strong climate policy while talking a big game

Spending $1.8 Trillion A Year To Finance Our Own Extinction

"The world is spending over $1.8 trillion a year, equivalent to 2% of global GDP, on subsidies that are driving the destruction of ecosystems...

Why Are Canadian Banks and Insurance Companies Still Financing Russian Oil

"Canadian banks, insurance companies and asset managers have pumped millions into Russian-owned oil and gas companies that have flowed into the petrostate’s war chest,"...

IPCC: Limits to Climate Adaptation

"Humans are adapting to climate change, but it’s not even close to enough — and what little is being done becomes less effective as...

Nuclear Power Is Not A Responsible Investment

Seventy-eight Public Interest Groups are calling on Canada’s biggest banks to drop investments in nuclear power, including so-called Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) from their...

Unless We End Financing of Coal, It Will End Us

Coal 0
The 2018 IPCC Report stated emphatically that coal-fired power production worldwide must be reduced by 78% by 2030 to keep the world on a...

Backsliding on Climate: The World Was Right To Be Skeptical

"The political will for painful choices is evaporating fast...turns out the world was right to be skeptical,” Bloomberg writes about expectations coming out of...

Cities for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

In October of 2020, Vancouver became the first city in the world to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT). Then in 2021, Barcelona,...
Why Climate Denial Is Still Happening, Below2C

Why Climate Denial Is Still Happening

You don't need to be a scientist or climatologist to know something is not right. You just need to look out your window or...
Shameful: Canada Is a World Leader for Fossil Fuel Finance, Below2C

Shameful: Canada Is a World Leader for Fossil Fuel Finance

We Canadians have the dubious honour of being a world leader in financing fossil fuels and  the worst offender of all G20 nations. Just...
Learning to Tackle More Than One Crisis At a Time, Below2C

Learning to Tackle More Than One Crisis At a Time

We need to tackle two major crises at the same time. As we enter the third year of the pandemic, the even deeper emergency...