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Tag: Justin Trudeau

From Trudeau to Crudeau – How It Happened

It started so well. In December of 2015, newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada emerged from the Paris Agreement talks as a...

Why Canada’s Climate Plan Can’t Be Traded For Kinder Morgan

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said repeatedly that his climate plan will eventually wean Canada off its dependence on fossil fuels. But first we...

Trudeau Gets “D” for Dismal On 2017 Climate Report Card

During 2017, Canada started to get its climate change act together, at least on paper. The Pan Canadian Framework (PCF) on Clean Growth and...

Justin Trudeau – Climate Warrior or Climate Pretender

In a recent interview with CBC's Wendy Mesley, Naomi Klein (author of No Is Not Enough and This Changes Everything) accuses Prime Minister Trudeau of only...

Can The Provinces Be Canada's Climate Leaders?

'Can the provinces be Canada's climate leaders' is a question I've often asked myself. During the decade preceding the October 2015 election of Justin Trudeau and his Liberals,...

Why I Lobby Members of Parliament

I’m a climate activist. I spend hours every day working on climate issues – writing letters to editors, publishing posts on BoomerWarrior.Org and social...

A People's Climate Plan for All Canadians

I’m working to hold my Member of Parliament and our government accountable to the people. We Canadians want a people's climate plan -- crafted...

Why Are We Still Talking Pipelines

We are incredibly still talking pipelines when the economic opportunities of a quick transition to clean energy are so alluring, so obvious. Where is the national...

The National Energy Board is Broken: Scrap Kinder Morgan Review

I'm pleased to welcome Derek Leahy as a contributor to BoomerWarrior. Derek is a freelance writer who volunteers his time to raise awareness about...

Canada Has Two Climate Faces

Canada has two climate faces. There's the Paris face where Canada became a re-born climate leader and then there's the domestic face where Trudeau's...