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Tag: World Politics

What Is the G7 Climate Club?

At their recent summit, G-7 leaders announced plans to form a new Climate Club by the end of the year. “We endorse the goals...

Hypocrisy and Obstruction At Climate Talks Ahead of COP27

While COP26 in Glasgow achieved small steps, most of the heavy lifting lies ahead for COP27 and well beyond. The hypocrisy and obstruction of...

Message To G7 Leaders. Steer Us To Safety

On June 26 in Germany, the G7—the US, Germany, France, Canada, the UK, Italy, Japan and the EU—will meet to discuss sustainability, economic stability...

Doubling Down on Gas Is Misguided and Dangerous For Climate

"Now can we talk about the war and how it relates to climate work," asks a March 25 email to 350.Org group leaders. The...

Spending $1.8 Trillion A Year To Finance Our Own Extinction

"The world is spending over $1.8 trillion a year, equivalent to 2% of global GDP, on subsidies that are driving the destruction of ecosystems...

Why Are Canadian Banks and Insurance Companies Still Financing Russian Oil

"Canadian banks, insurance companies and asset managers have pumped millions into Russian-owned oil and gas companies that have flowed into the petrostate’s war chest,"...

Beyond Safe Limits: We Will Not Escape the Ravages of Climate Change

Many of the coming ravages of climate change are already baked in to the global heating our planet has already absorbed since the beginning...

“Atlas of Human Suffering” Says UN Secretary General

United Nations secretary general António Guterres calls the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report “an atlas of human suffering”. "The report is a...

Backsliding on Climate: The World Was Right To Be Skeptical

"The political will for painful choices is evaporating fast...turns out the world was right to be skeptical,” Bloomberg writes about expectations coming out of...

Will New Climate Pledges Keep 1.5°C Alive

In its post-COP26 analysis, Carbon Brief presents an in-depth summary of all the key outcomes in Glasgow. It provides an overview of the summit,...