On the Cusp of the Third Industrial Revolution

Jeremy Rifkin's book, The Third Industrial Revolution, has provided the inspiration for this post. The premise of Rifkin's book is that fundamental economic change occurs when new...

The Paris Agreement Is Now Official. Now What?

This post is sourced from The Tree which is a service provided for climate communicators and influencers involved in public discourse on climate change, global warming and the...

Clean Disruption Of Energy and Transportation. Hope For Staying Below2°C

The largest boost to our ability to confront climate change will come from the clean disruption of energy and transportation. So says Tony Seba. That is...
Solar Power: Here Comes The Sun, Below2C

Solar Power — Here Comes The Sun

To say that the solar energy sector is on fire would be an exaggeration. But solar power is unquestionably the front runner in the...
Planet of the Humans - A Tale of Misinformation And Distortion, Below2C

Planet of the Humans – A Tale of Misinformation And Distortion

I was excited to hear Michael Moore announce that he was releasing a new film—Planet of the Humans—on Earth Day. I have found a...

The BC Carbon Tax – Environmental and Economic Success

The British Columbia Carbon Tax has been hailed as an environmental and economic success by the Pembina Institute. The material in this blog post has been sourced...

Biomass, Biofuel, Bioenergy, Biopower – Myth or Reality?

In her most recent post, Ellen Moyer explores the pitfalls of Biomass, Biofuel, Bioenergy, Biopower as an alternative to the carbon-spewing energy we have used...

Canada is Only Half Back My Friends

On November 30 of 2015, during his address to the climate delegates at the Paris climate talks, Prime Minister Trudeau uttered this inspiring catchphrase:...

Solar Youth Power on Parliament Hill

At dusk on Sunday, November 22, Ottawa youth will gather with solar lights to form an image of the sun and call for 100%...

Carbon Fee and Dividend. Its Time Has Come

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come. According to Joseph...