Tag: Renewables
Canada: Falling Far Short On Climate Policy, Emissions Reduction and Energy Transition
"Ranked among the worst-performing countries in CCPI 2020, Canada fell another three spots in this year’s index, to 58th," reports the 2020 Climate Change...
Stop the Dash to Gas and Green the Grid
Natural gas is not the bridge to a clean energy future that fossil fuel companies and governments would have us believe. Natural gas is...
Five Developments To Really Feel Good About
This post features a wide-ranging collection of five positive developments—things to feel good about—at a time when our world is undergoing the most tumultuous...
The Race To Zero – We Don’t Have Time To Wait
Evidence about the climate breakdowns is mounting daily. Climate change is no longer a slow emergency. It's happening in real time. The world is...
If you think we’re getting a green recovery, think again
"Do not resuscitate," wrote George Monbiot in an OpEd In The Guardian in April. "This crisis is a chance to rebuild our economy for...
Only Clean Technologies Can Stop Climate Change
The world must prevent a post-pandemic carbon rebound that would all but put the final nail in the climate change coffin. We have but...
Industrial Age of Energy and Transportation Over by 2030
"The industrial age of energy and transportation will be over by 2030," claims Tony Seba. Exponentially improving technologies such as solar, electric vehicles, and...
Will COVID-19 Build Bridges Or Generate Divisions In Canada?
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced Canadians (and the rest of the world) to hit the pause button. How do we recover back better? Can...
Solving The Climate Crisis Can Save The World $145 Trillion
"Aggressive action to address climate change could save the world $145 trillion," wrote Dana Nuccitelli in a recent article published in Yale Climate Connections. Climate...
Bailouts Must Support Workers And Incentivize Environmental Innovation
It seems almost inevitable that the Canadian government will bail out (once again) the oil and gas sector. But should governments around the world...