Fossil Production Dangerously Out of Sync With Paris 1.5°C Limit, Below2C

Fossil Production Dangerously Out of Sync With Paris 1.5°C Limit

The UNEP 2021 Production Gap Report finds that governments' fossil fuel production plans are dangerously out of sync with Paris limits. The Report "tracks...
A Mind-bending $11.2 Million Per Minute in Fossil Fuel Subsidies, Below2C

A Mind-bending $11.2 Million Per Minute in Fossil Fuel Subsidies

“The world’s hugely encouraging clean energy momentum is running up against the stubborn incumbency of fossil fuels in our energy systems,” says Fatih Birol,...
#RBCisKillingMe: Stop Funding Fossil Fuels and Respect Indigenous Rights, Below2C

#RBCisKillingMe: Stop Funding Fossil Fuels and Respect Indigenous Rights

#RBCisKillingMe is a global day of action to shine the light on RBC, Canada's largest fossil bank and one of the world's largest funders...

RBC Supports Expansion of Tar Sands Pipelines With “Sustainability” Loan

"In the lead up to the critically important COP26 climate summit, Canada’s largest bank, the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) inked a new deal...

Canada’s Climate Policies: More of the Same Or Greater Urgency?

The act of choosing our politicians while the world is burning around us is a deeply profound act. Canadians have just chosen their next...
Climate is Always Second Place To Fossil Fuels, Below2C

Climate is Always Second Place To Fossil Fuels

"Why is life on earth still taking second place to fossil fuel companies," asks George Monbiot in an August 2021 opinion piece in The...

We Need A Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

Fifty years ago, the world needed a treaty to defuse the threats posed by nuclear weapons. Today we need a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty...

Canada Spent More Than $23 Billion on Pipelines Since 2018

A recent report by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. shows that Canada has spent $23 billion on pipelines during the past three years....

What do Heat Waves, Wildfires and Banks Have in Common?

The recent leak of a draft of the next IPCC report (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) warns that recovery from climate breakdown may be...
Stop Fuelling the Climate Crisis With our Pension Money, Below2C

Stop Fuelling the Climate Crisis With our Pension Money

More and more retirees are asking how their pension plan is investing their retirement savings as the climate crisis becomes a reality. This is...