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Tag: Carbon Tax

The Carbon Sticker War, Below2C

The Carbon Sticker War

The carbon tax is one of the most efficient and effective tools to reduce carbon emissions. It's a way to price pollution, especially carbon...

Hey Canada, We Need To Change The Channel On Climate

It’s a poorly guarded secret that “climate change” and “global warming” are not the best phrases to engage the public on climate. The phrases...
Helping Politicians Meet the Most Urgent Challenge of Our Time, Below2C

Helping Politicians Meet the Most Urgent Challenge of Our Time

As a volunteer lobbyist with Citizens' Climate Lobby Canada, I (and my colleagues) regularly meet with Members of Parliament to discuss carbon pricing, climate...

Major Breakthrough For Carbon Pricing in the U.S.

“To call this legislation a breakthrough is an understatement,” says Citizens’ Climate Lobby Executive Director Mark Reynolds in a press release. "It goes further than...

The Political Risk Of Falling Short On Climate And The Environment

Public opinion on climate change and the need to protect our environment is shifting and politicians who ignore this issue do so at their...

Canada on Earth Day – Climate Crisis, Carbon Pricing, Clean Energy

Perhaps every day needs to be Earth Day as we begin to adapt to the era of climate crisis. The earth is heating up....

Five Simple Steps Needed On Carbon Pricing – CCL Canada

From October 21-24, 2017, Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) Canada members will be in Ottawa lobbying their MPs and Senators. We will present 5 simple...

Unsettling and Ominous – Climate Alarm Bells

Climate alarm bells should be going off in every country, every city, every household. We are losing ground as we struggle to fight climate change...

Canada is Only Half Back My Friends

On November 30 of 2015, during his address to the climate delegates at the Paris climate talks, Prime Minister Trudeau uttered this inspiring catchphrase:...

Flawed Data on Climate Consultation Website

The Federal government promised to use the results of the climate consultation process undertaken this past summer in formulating climate policy. But what about...