Beyond Safe Limits: We Will Not Escape the Ravages of Climate Change
Many of the coming ravages of climate change are already baked in to the global heating our planet has already absorbed since the beginning...
“Atlas of Human Suffering” Says UN Secretary General
United Nations secretary general António Guterres calls the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report “an atlas of human suffering”. "The report is a...
Learning to Tackle More Than One Crisis At a Time
We need to tackle two major crises at the same time. As we enter the third year of the pandemic, the even deeper emergency...
URGENT: Canadians Must Speak Up on Climate
As we enter 2022, the challenges are already piling up. Canadians are facing wave 4 or 5 (I've lost count) of the COVID crisis...
Telling Canadian Fossil Banks To Stop Funding Climate Chaos and Injustice
The movement to pressure Canadian banks to stop funding climate chaos and abusing Indigenous rights came to life in 2021. And it's heating up...
Canada’s Big Oil Reality Check
"The federal government has repeatedly told the public that Canada can be a climate leader while continuing to have a thriving oil and gas...
Will New Climate Pledges Keep 1.5°C Alive
In its post-COP26 analysis, Carbon Brief presents an in-depth summary of all the key outcomes in Glasgow. It provides an overview of the summit,...
History Will Show Glasgow As the Place Where the 1.5°C Goal Went To Die
History may very well remember Glasgow (COP26) as the place where the 1.5°C goal went to die. COP26 has failed us and the UK's...
World Leaders: We Will Not Accept More Empty Promises
The optimism and celebration coming from a whirlwind of funding and program announcements during the first days of COP26 are quickly vanishing as climate...
12 Reports You Should Know About As COP26 Unfolds
“Recent climate action announcements might give the impression that we are on track to turn things around. This is an illusion,” said UN secretary...