Tag: Ecology
Financial Institutions Are Bankrolling Plastics
"Between January 2015 and September 2019, banks provided loans and underwriting of more than USD 1.7 trillion to key actors in the global plastics...
Playtime Is Over, It’s the System – Part II of Sucking Up To Business
This is the second of three posts by Brad Zarnett, a Canadian sustainability strategist, writer and speaker. He is the Founder of the Toronto Sustainability...
Human And Environmental Health Go Hand In Hand
A recent study by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the University of California shows that climate change is affecting our health and...
You Eat 50,000 Plastic Particles A Year
If you’re an average person, you eat at least 50,000 particles of microplastic each year and you breath in a similar amount. That’s close...
Lord Man – The Call of More
I worry that one of the leading causes of global warming, the world's exploding population, was largely ignored at the recent climate talks leading up...
If You Eat Well, You’re Acting on Climate
Many environmentally and socially conscious people feel overwhelmed right now. How can they counteract a host of problems, including climate disruption, species extinction, water...
Transforming Our Culture Toward Sustainability
This article is one of an eleven part series on Shifting Society's Goals. The human presence has grown to where we are stretching planetary...
Your Green Rights – Air, Water, Food
The Green Rights project is about peoples' right to Air, Water, Food – the very sources of life. Without them, we die. And in most...
Climate Change Cartoons – Must I Draw You A Picture?
The following climate change cartoons are quite convincing. They can be a valuable aid in discussing the serious matter of the climate crisis we...
We Need a Global Environmental Restoration Project
I'm pleased to welcome Bru Pearce as a contributor to BoomerWarrior. Bru is the co-founder of Envisionation, a climate change messaging and solutions website...